Sunday 23 September 2012

Thorsten Brinkmann Style Photos

The pictures were taken in different lights, I prefer the first one as its much clearer to see.
   After looking at Thorsten Brinkmann's work we decided to create our own set ups. We took various scrap pieces of material and arranged them on each other in manner that resembled clothing and gave the models props.
   I enjoyed setting up ready for the shoot, I liked being able to control how the finished image would look i.e. arranging the materials, pose, choosing props etc. Due to changes in costume the pose and prop had to be changed but I still like the end piece. Feels medieval, a hunched old man on his travels, similar to how Led Zeppelin's album IV looks. I think it is a powerful stance, however, I would've liked to have used a brighter background because it is difficult to see the figure against the black. I would also have to use the original pose and prop as well. I think this is something I would like to try again in the future.

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